Please remember to read the How to Use These Lessons page if you have any questions. Remember just to teach the section or paragraphs that are suggested for that day. Though the links to Preach My Gospel show the lesson in its entirety, you will not be teaching the full lesson in one day. Click the link and scroll to the particular section that is listed for that day. Do not feel limited by the video supplements. If you know of others that are equally wonderful (on Church-approved/owned sites) please feel free to use those as well, and let us know.
31 or Lesson 1: The Message of the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ (online). today you will study the section titled “God is our Loving Heavenly Father” and the 1st Article of Faith.
video supplement: “God is Our Father”
32 or Lesson 1: The Message of the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ (online). today you will study the section titled “The Gospel Blesses Families.” And 1st
Article of Faith.
Or any videos from the "Happy Families" series
32 or Lesson 1: The Message of the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ (online). today you will study the section titled “Heavenly Father Reveals His Gospel in Every Dispensation” part 1 (through
“…those who ignore, reject, or distort the gospel do not receive God’s promised
blessings.” And 1st Article
of Faith.
video supplements:
video supplements:
33 or Lesson 1: The Message of the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ (online). today you will study the section titled “Heavenly Father Reveals His Gospel in Every Dispensation” part 2 (beginning
with “Whenever people choose to disregard…” to the end of section). And 1st Article of Faith.
video supplement:
video supplement:
34 or Lesson 1: The Message of the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ (online). today you will study the section titled “The Savior’s Earthly Ministry.” And 1st Article of Faith.
video supplements:
video supplements:
Resources: any video from this site may be
useful: Bible Videos
Thanks again for these! We recently read an article from the October 2013 Friend where the family has instituted a "Family MTC" every Sunday. We've decided to follow suit, especially now that we have afternoon church. We are using your Preach My Gospel lessons as our class time curriculum. (The family in the article does 15 min of personal scripture study, 15 min of journal writing, 15 minutes of class time, and 15 minutes of family devotional.) I love the idea of the Family MTC and I am so grateful that you have taken the time to create these lessons. What better curriculum to use for Family MTC than "Preach My Gospel?" Thank you Sarah!